Everyone Has Something to Give

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Everyone Has Something to Give

By Ruth Schenk

October 7 to 9, Shine Ministry for adults with disabilities went on a mission trip to Ability Ministry's Riverwood Christian Community, a residential home for adults with disabilities in Louisville, Tennessee.

It was a first, and it will not be the last.

“Our team has gone from ministering to people with special needs to now ministering to others,” said Shine Ministry Leader Mary Tatum.

Favorite moments were serving others by washing vans, raking leaves, washing potatoes, and putting on a Fall Festival with games and activities.

“Many said this mission trip was the best days of their lives,” Mary said. “Our adults learned that they have a lot to give. They love serving and making new friends. As a bonus, tips from Shine Café paid for our first mission trip.”

Those at Shine are already asking when it will happen again.

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